Monday, April 18, 2011

Part-time job - E-business & Tuition

I started my first e-business via FB on April 9, 2011. I got my merchandise from Bangkok - selling fashion blouses, necklace, skirts and bags, cute items such as wood sign, products from Naraya etc. Sales were brisk for blouses and small items from Naraya. Most of the items that I bought comes in one piece one design just in case I couldnt get a buyer, I could use it for myself. I have also started giving tuition to lower primary school students. Thanks be to God, my buddy recommended me two students - K2 and P2. I started with volunteer tuition with my church for the poor and curently I am teaching P3 maths with 3 students. Life has become hectic and I must learn to have good time management. I want to have a balance life - work, part-time job and fitness and meeting friends once in a while. I am happy with my present life.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dont Stop Learning

I was reading an article of an old man age who graduated high school at age 90. Here is what he said:


Graduating high school at 90: ‘Just plain wonderful’
75 years after dropping out to help family, John Locher is ‘dumbfounded’


Yesterday had a farewell lunch with my colleague, he took 10 years to complete his part-time course and he encouraged me to upgrade myself.

I have wanted to pursue higher but my merchandising job for 13-years kept me so busy that I could not find time to study.

I left that trade eventually in year 2007 and found a admin job as a secretary in September. As my job does not require me to work late, I signed up diploma course in business administration with PSB. Why I choose PSB and not other schools. Main reason was I was funded 90% by NTUC Union thru SRP. It was a good deal not to miss and at the moment I am enjoying class studying with a group of young course mates. This course end in December 2009 and I have already planned to further my study by taking advance dip in HR management and then a degree course. I target to finish my degree at age 46 (ha, you know how old am I). I have this attitude of never stop learning, the word lazy is not in my dictionary.

I am encouraged by the article I read and it is never too late to pursue a higher qualification. My aim is to have a fulfilling and meaningful life. Money cannot buy knowledge and wisdom and I encouraged everybody to keep learning till the day you leave the world.

My 2nd 10K run

Last year I joined 10K GE Women run and this year I signed up for Passion Run - Women Veteran 10K. I started training seriously two weeks before the race and thus was not expecting that I could maintain the same timing as last year. I was hoping to complete the race regardless how long I take. As expected, I finished the race in 1 hour 39 mins compared to last year 1 hour 22 mins. I used to be a short distance runner and never like long distance but challenge myself last year that I should try it as I used to dream in running and I want to make it come true! Running builds one discipline, perserverance, patient and endurance, never say 'I give up' attitude. Thus, in life, we should have the same attitude and overcome it when we face difficulties.